A01a班の研究成果をMRM2021にて”Phase-field Simulation of Solute Segregations in Ni-based Superalloy Solidified in Powder-Bed Fusion Type Additive Manufacturing (PBF-LB): Coupled with Computational thermal-Fluid Dynamics (CtFD)”の発表を行いました。


A01a班 小泉雄一郎教授、奥川将行助教らが、MRM2021にて"Phase-field Simulation of Solute Segregations in Ni-based Superalloy Solidified in Powder-Bed Fusion Type Additive Manufacturing (PBF-LB): Coupled with Computational thermal-Fluid Dynamics (CtFD)"の発表を行いました。 


"Phase-field Simulation of Solute Segregations in Ni-based Superalloy Solidified in Powder-Bed Fusion Type Additive Manufacturing (PBF-LB): Coupled with Computational thermal-Fluid Dynamics (CtFD)"
Yuichiro Koizumi, Kenji Saito, Haruki Yoshima, Masayuki Okugawa
MRM2021, December 14, 2021