We are pleased to announce that the 2nd international symposium on Creation of Materials by Super-Thermal Field 2025 (CMSTF2025) will be held in Yokohama, Japan from December 8 to 13, 2025, as a symposium of Materials Research Meeting (MRM 2025), which is the first cross-disciplinary international conference in Japan launched by the Materials Research Society of Japan (MRS-J) in 2019.

Website of MRM2025: https://mrm2025.mrs-j.org/
Website of CMSTF2025: https://www-mat.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp/CMSTF2025

This conference is held as a part of the project "Creation of Materials by Super-Thermal Field: Neo-3D printing by Manipulating Atomic Arrangement through Giant Potential Gradient". The target of this area is the mechanisms of unique crystal growth under super-thermal fields generated by local heating by electron beams or lasers, which have been found to occur in metal 3D printing (3DP). Studies conducted in this project include, "Advanced in-situ observations, such as high-speed temperature field analysis", "Synchrotron X-ray transmission imaging", Computer Simulations, such as computational thermal fluid dynamics (CtFD), phase-field (PF) method, molecular dynamics (MD), and their validation by experiments to elucidate the mechanisms. Furthermore, artificial intelligence to analyze the process of microstructure to structure performance correlation and establish the Science for Creation of Materials by Super-Thermal Field, which contributes to the creation of new materials, such as 3DP of single-crystals. The outcomes will contribute to a great novelty in materials science.
The scope of this symposium includes, but not limited to, scientific studies on experiments, computer simulations, and data sciences related to the following topics
Topic 1 Interactions between quantum beams and materials in the formation of super-thermal fields
Topic 2 Crystal growth in super-thermal fields represented by a temperature gradient higher than 10M K/m
Topic 3 Formation mechanisms and the characterization of microstructures in AM
Topic 4 Effects of residual stress and compositional modulation on materials’ properties in AM
Topic 5 Methods and techniques to control and optimize the microstructure in AM
Topic 6 Applications and challenges of materials formed under extreme conditions in AM
Topic 7 Anisotropy of properties of materials highly oriented by crystal growth under extreme conditions.
Topic 8 The creation of new materials by utilizing a large temperature gradient and rapid solidification
Topic 9 Influences of thermal stress on materials’ properties fabricated in AM, and their mitigation
Topic 10 Experimental, computational, and data-driven studies relevant to the above-mentioned phenomena
We look forward to welcoming you to YOKOHAMA to participate in the symposium.

Symposium Organizers
Representative: Yuichiro KOIZUMI, Osaka University
Correspondence: Kazuhisa SATO, Osaka University
Co-Chairs: Takayoshi NAKANO, Osaka University, Japan
Yoshitaka ADACHI, Nagoya University, Japan
Kohei MORISHITA, Kyushu University, Japan
Kazuhisa SATO, Osaka University, Japan
Yoshiaki TODA, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) , Japan
Takuya ISHIMOTO, University of Toyama, Japan
Teiichi KIMURA, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC) , Japan
Eric JÄGLE, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Albert C. TO, University of Pittsburg, USA

Date of symposium: December 8-13, 2025
Abstract submission deadline: To be announced
Registration: To be announced

Conference Program
December 8-18, 2025
details are to be determind

To be announced via the web site of MRM2025 https://mrm2025.mrs-j.org/